Newspeek, our product, had a server-side component that periodically collected news items from various news feeds, stored them and provided them to clients through a simple REST API. It also had an iPhone client that fetched the news items and presented them to the user in a way that respected the UI requirements and established UX norms for that device.

So, in the interest of informing future participants about what works and what doesn't work in Startup Weekend, here are the lessons I learned:
- If you plan to win, work on the business aspect, not on the technology. Personally, I didn't go to ASW with plans to create a startup, so I didn't care that much about winning. I mostly considered the event as a hackathon, and tried my best to end up with a working prototype. Other teams focused more on the business side of things, which is understandable, given the prize. Investors fund teams that have a good chance to return a profit, not the ones with cool technology and (mostly) working demos. Still, the small number of actual working prototypes was a disappointment for me. Even though the developers were the majority in the event, you obviously can't have too many of them in a Startup Weekend.
- For quick server-side prototyping and hosting, Google App Engine is your friend. Since everyone in the team had Java experience, we could have gone with a JavaEE solution and set up a dedicated server to host the site. But, since I've always wanted to try App Engine for Java and the service architecture mapped nicely to it, we tried a short experiment to see if it could fly. We built a stub service in just a few minutes, so we decided it was well worth it. Building our RESTful service was really fast, scalability was never a concern and the deployment solution was a godsend, since the hosting service provided for free by the event sponsors was evidently overloaded. We're definitely going to use it again for other projects.
- jQTouch rocks! Since our main deliverable would be an iPhone application, and there were only two of us who had ever built an iPhone application (of the Hello World variety), we knew we had a problem. Fortunately, I had followed the jQTouch development from a reasonable distance and had witnessed the good things people had to say, so I pitched the idea of a web application to the team and it was well received. iPhone applications built with web technologies and jQTouch can be almost indistinguishable from native ones. We all had some experience in building web applications, so the prospect of having a working prototype in only two days seemed within the realm of possibility again. The future option of packaging the application with PhoneGap and selling it in the App Store was also a bonus point for our modest business plan.
- For ad-hoc collaboration, Mercurial wins. Without time to set up central repositories, a DVCS was the obvious choice, and Mercurial has both bundles and a standalone server that make collaborative coding a breeze. If we had zeroconf/bonjour set up in all of our laptops, we would have used the zeroconf extension for dead easy machine lookup, but even without it things worked flawlessly.
- You can write code with a netbook. Since I haven't owned a laptop for the last three years, my only portable computer is an Asus EEE PC 901 running Linux. Its original purpose was to allow me to browse the web from the comfort of my couch. Lately however, I'm finding myself using it to write software more than anything else. During the Startup Weekend it had constantly open Eclipse (for server-side code), Firefox (for JavaScript debugging), Chrome (for webkit rendering), gedit (for client-side code) and a terminal, without breaking a sweat.
- When demoing an iPhone application, whatever you do, don't sweat. Half-way through our presentation, tapping the buttons didn't work reliably all the time, so anxiety ensued. Since we couldn't make a proper presentation due to a missing cable, we opted for a live demo, wherein Yannis held the mic and made the presentation, and I posed as the bimbo that holds the product and clicks around. After a while we ended up both touching the screen, trying to make the bloody buttons click, which ensured the opposite effect. In retrospect, using a cloth occasionally would have made for a smoother demo, plus we could have slipped a joke in there, to keep the spirit up.
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