Monday, December 17, 2007

Job hunting is like dating

Paul Buchheit posted an interesting analysis of social networking products, their similarities and differences. In there he has hidden a rare gem:
10. Jobs. Job hunting and hiring are essentially the "professional" analog of dating and seem to work in somewhat similar ways.
Shaking Hands, by Aidan Jones

If you ponder it a bit, it sounds about right, doesn't it? People look for jobs they like and hiring managers look for candidates they like. When there is a match, there is a hire. The parallels are many:
  • Dumping/seduction: an employee will dump his current job for a better one, often due to seducing promises from their hiring manager.
  • Bachelorhood/marriage: some people change jobs like crazy (especially in the States), while others stick to one for life (quite common in Japan).
  • Stagnation: employment relationships, like sexual ones, tend to stagnate after a long period of time, when people lose interest in it.
  • We might as well admit it, women and work are the two dominant discussion subjects with one's friends, after midnight.
  • When one gets caught cheating on his wife/company, they go to court.
  • Girls have breasts, jobs have salaries. The bigger, the better.
  • People get jealous of their friends who make more money than they do.
Now, what does that mean for us? Are you happy with your current girlfr..., er, job? If not, could you perhaps find some new project / technology / tool / sexual position to stimulate your interest? Or is it perhaps time to be on the market again?


  1. So working in a "personal" project in the afternoons is like having an extramarital affair?

    And what would you call it if we would both be working on the same "personal" project (like co-authoring a book)..?

  2. So working in a "personal" project in the afternoons is like having an extramarital affair?

    Yes, but with a consenting wife!

    And what would you call it if we would both be working on the same "personal" project (like co-authoring a book)..?


    In that case, this would qualify as on orgy!
